Voltes V was an anime released in the late 70's that closely followed all the cliches of the Super Robot genre. In it, four young people fly space ships that, when assembled, form a powerful giant robot to defend the planet from the attacks of the Boazanian aliens.
The game is a vertical scroll shoot 'em up where you control Steve's ship while defeating the enemies that get in your way. As you advance though each level, you will collect other ships from your comrades until you assemble the Voltes. At that time, the gameplay changes and you control the robot with a virtual joystick instead of using touch gestures to control your moves.
The end of each level is marked by a battle against a boss. Once he's defeated you can return to the main menu to improve the weapons of each member of your team, as well as select the next level in a sequence where the settings and the enemies are always changing.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required
laps v
Just an intro. No actual gameplay. (Samsung Galaxy A8)